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Saturday November 11, 2006. 23:24
Me, The People-Rights-Activist!


Ok, so, I was reading this story about a 19 year old and a 17 year old who severely beat a dog.  Everyone was so appalled, and so angry at them.  The people wanted justice.  They "... demanded reform in the Criminal Code on animal cruelty laws"  Can I  tell you what I think the problem is?  Of course I can, it's my blog!

We don't put enough effort into people anymore.  Ok, look at the problem.  All of these animal rights activists are shouting and cursing and jumping on the guys van, what do they think that'll solve?  And sure you can discipline them, that's probably what needs to be done at this point.  But what got us here in the first place?  Lack of love, lack of community, lack of prayer for each other, lack of a lot of things.  I know that people are gunna do stupid things, I really do.  But I think we need to take some responsibility for the way our society is going.

Ok, I have a story.  Come on one of my side roads for a minute. Before July of this year, for 2 years, I was employed by the Salvation Army in Red Deer as a Youth Director.  Basically, a youth pastor.  For many years before that, I voluntarily ran most of the youth programs the church offered.  See, I am and always will be a serious believer in God.  In the saving love of Jesus and the life moving power of the Holy Spirit.  And I know that the church, like any other group of humans, will let me down throughout my whole life.  But this is where I'm going.  Apparently (and in many cases I believe it) I am loved, cared for, and prayed for by the people of the Salvation Army Church in Red Deer.  In June, I gave my resignation to the church because of some stress I am going through in my life.  Pretty serious stuff, in my opinion.  My Mom, who also is a member of the church, has shown a lot of care to me, but other than that, no one from the church has tried to contact me that I know of other than the pastor to ask me about the location of a remote control.  He did tell me I am welcome back to the church, but I'm not sure I believe it right now.  Ok, so I know that it's hard to approach someone who is struggling.  I know it's a lot easier to just run with the rumors.  But that's the problem.  I'm not trying to beat up the congregation, because I know that... at least a couple of them are genuinely concerned for me.  But there is a problem.  I feel in many ways I failed at my position of ministry in the church, but if no one contacted the "loved and much appreciated Youth Director" in a time of need, then what about the rest of the church that comes and doesn't say a thing?  Now, I want you to understand that I'm really only whining a little bit here, because although it would've been nice to know they cared enough, I know I have God through all of this.  But my issue is, if things are like this for me, they are probably like this for almost everyone else.  And THAT scares me.  And I'm not trying to pick on the Salvation Army.  I know this is a normal thing amongst churches.  But if when you fall, the church, which is suppose to be a major source of support, does nothing except gossip about you, what about the people who don't have a church?  What about everyone who tries to go it on their own?  What about when they're hurting?  The problem is this, I think;  we are told by society to "go it alone, to be tough, to walk it off.  Independence is the key to personal joy.  Do it yourself, and you'll feel better about it."  Of all the things wrong with that, the biggest I can see is what happens when you fall.  Of course we (not just the youth!) are gunna want control over something.  We feel helpless, abandoned.  We want to know we have strength and control, because that's what society tells us we should have.  That's what I think the problem is.  And while you're trying to make sense of that, think of this; 

When a guy gets bit by a dog, it's because he provoked it, or because someone raised it wrong.  When someone hits a moose on the highway, it's because he was driving too fast, or not paying attention.  But what about the person?  How are they doing?  What support do they have?  Lets take a look at our priorities, and ask ourselves, in a time when we have so many animal rights activists, who's taking care of the people?  And that's all I'm gunna say about that!


Posted By: Trevor

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