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Monday March 12, 2007. 23:11
A Weekend For The Rebels


This weekend I enjoyed watching the Rebels win their 2 games, and clinch the final playoff spot of the division. Saturday night Mandi and I took in the game against Saskatoon at the Centrium, and Sunday (last night) I drove to Lethbridge
to watch the Rebels conquer the Hurricanes for a guaranteed playoff spot. It's always exciting to see the Rebels play in someone else's home, especially when they win! It was a good road trip (4 hours each way!)
Although I had a great weekend of hockey, I didn't give myself much time for unpacking. I am happy that we finally got all of the right appliances in and setup, and things are finally starting to look like they fit. And, the cats seem like they're as at home as if they've lived here all their lives. But of course they do, they're cats! I'm finally happily getting past my cold, and hopefully I'll be ready to hit the slopes this weekend out west. My ski's need to feel the snow, I think. And then Monday we'll head North to Edmonton to see if the Oilers can win one more before their season's over. We still have the Rebels, good thing! Well, that's the gist of it for tonight, have a great one! Keep your stick on the ice.
Oh, and I bought "Peter Pan", and watched it this weekend. That Tinker Bell is somethin' else, ain't she? Woowee! ;D


Posted By: Trevor

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